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Retail Media: The Omnichannel Landscape

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omnichannel retail media landscape chart
omnichannel retail media landscape chart

For CPG brand marketers, there's no escaping retail media and its importance. The rise in e-commerce grocery adoption fueled by the pandemic, and Google’s plan to end third-party cookie tracking, have made retail media table stakes for advertisers (and an alternative revenue stream for retailers).

The rapid proliferation of retail media and retailer media networks makes it hard to keep up. Retailers, such as Kroger and Target, are either increasingly building out their capabilities and expanding their partners or launching new networks altogether. To help marketers navigate this increasingly complex landscape, the Path to Purchase Institute, for the first time, is making its retail media omnichannel landscape and definitions accessible to the industry at large. 

Created in partnership with the Commerce Executive Network, the freshly updated visual demystifies what is and isn’t a retailer-owned media network to help determine where advertisers receive credit for participation, and where they can expect to leverage it for merchandising and joint business planning purposes. The visual does this by providing definitions for retailer media networks, media inventory aggregators, and third-party media sellers as well as their proximity to first-party shopper data. To download the landscape and definitions, click the link below. 

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