Path to Purchase Institute members have access to regularly updated retailer profiles, which can be found here. Recent news includes Ace Hardware sharing some 2023 financials, and Tesco dedicating store space to the menopausal shopper.
The retailer is giving its Up & Up brand a makeover. Along with a new look for its biggest private label, Target is adding new SKUs and tweaking some formulas.
The U.K. retailer is testing a menopause-friendly section at some of its stores, with dedicated endcaps stocked with skincare, supplements and hygiene products from several CPG brands. The website has a subsection on menopause as well, with more than 450 curated products.
The grocery giant's CEO says customers will enjoy lower prices and improved stores if the Kroger-Albertsons merger goes through.
The cooperative released its financial performance numbers for 2023; visit the retailer's profile for highlights.
Walmart Canada celebrated the Lunar New Year not only with product suggestions and a dedicated landing page, but it also introduced a new media campaign with print and digital flyers and ads on translated into Mandarin and Cantonese.