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Infographic: The Basics of Brand Perceptions

Consumer research from Ansafone delves into the three fundamental aspects of brand perception: awareness, value, and experience.

Understanding how consumers view a brand or product is crucial for shaping a positive perception among target audiences.

An infographic from Ansafone, an outsourced contact center solution provider for companies in the U.S. and Canada, summarizes consumer research that delves into the three fundamental aspects of brand perception: awareness, value, and experience. (See below.)

"Brand perception goes beyond just your logo or tagline; it encompasses the feelings, experiences, and thoughts your customers have about your product or service," Gina Robertson, vice president of client services at Ansafone, told P2PI.  

Some key takeaways from the research include:

  • Almost nine out of 10 consumers perceive sponsored ads as negative interference with browsing experience.
  • 80% report completely ignoring self-promoting online ads.
  • Blogging generates 67% more leads when compared to website content.
  • Nearly 62% of young consumers believe the only source of information about a brand is
    online content.
  • With over 2.1 million negative reviews posted daily, monitoring brand performance via social media is essential.
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