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Valuegraphics Toolkit Now Available


“The Food Shoppers Study” and DIY toolkit from British Columbia-based The Valuegraphics Project is available for download.

David Allison, founder of The Valuegraphics Project and self-proclaimed consumer behavior expert, showcased the toolkit at Path to Purchase Live: The Digital Experience, which took place Nov. 2-4, 2021. Allison dove into the company’s Valuegraphics toolkit, including specific charts and insights detailing sub-segments of brands’ target audiences.

“Understanding the shared values of a group of people is the best way to engage them and influence them and get the to do the things we’d like them to do,” Allison said during his virtual keynote address. That begs the question: How do brands apply that to their specific brand, target audience and set of customers and prospects?

The study is available via PDF below, along with Allison’s full keynote presentation from Path to Purchase Live here.

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