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Q&A: Edwin Fu of

Here's a snapshot of an industry leader from the P2PI member community.
a man wearing glasses and smiling at the camera
edwin fu retail media

Edwin Fu

Main job responsibilities: I develop future-proof solutions for retail and new media networks. At, we're working in a burgeoning market with problems that haven't been solved before. We're using technology to fill those gaps and take on those problems as they come.

How you help clients during uncertain economic times: We help customers think through the new way of marketing through retail and commerce, which considers a trade-off between CX and ads. We help build and scale businesses that can strike that balance, and help shoppers make more informed decisions. We see a vision where the consumer search and/or research process is the same as their advertising experience, like what you see with Instagram’s recommended ads.

New marketing tactic that you use: We listen to our customers, try to understand their problems and then build products that can help them go to market or scale their business. And then we rinse and repeat.

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Best career advice you’ve received: Don’t tell me, show me.

Memorable aha moment in your career: When I saw sales measurement data measured against ad campaigns to solve a 150-year-old problem: What ROI do I get from my advertising? That’s what we're doing for retail media.

What you're watching right now: Van Life YouTube videos.

Fall travel plans: Tokyo Disneyland.

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