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Morrisons Adds Impulse-Buy Displays Near Checkout

This photo, from 2022, was taken at a Morrisons in London.
This photo, from 2022, was taken at a Morrisons in London.

U.K. supermarket chain Morrisons recently rolled out enhanced displays to its self-service checkout areas to promote impulse buying, particularly of health and beauty products. 

The retailer tapped U.K.-based point-of-sale solutions provider Harrison Retail to design and develop the shelving bays that sit along the back of its dedicated checkout areas, according to a media release.

While the retail landscape is continuously evolving based on shifting consumer behavior, promotions and discounts influence 50% of all unplanned purchases, according to out-of-home media company Clear Channel. In 2023, impulse purchases amounted to 9.7 billion pounds of spending in the U.K. (or $12.3 billion), according to research from Vanquis Bank. Additionally, according to Statista, a third of consumers are likely to make an impulse purchase when in store, with beauty products making up 18% of impulse buys.

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The Solution

The Harrison team had three weeks to redesign shelving bays that would first promote “Travel Accessories” in stores, according to a media release. Harrison rolled out two bays in a “waterfall style,” with a smaller unit at the top and larger at the base. The displays also feature clear, durable polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) inserts to make the items clearly visible to shoppers.

Research highlighted in the release also indicates that sales of travel accessories are particularly stronger in the summer months as more people travel abroad. However, during the quieter months, Morrisons wanted to use the bays for other products, so the Harrison design team included removable dividers so other products (including varying sizes) could be displayed in the future.

The Result

Harrisons said its solution and extension of Morrisons’ self-serve checkout areas across the U.K. has already helped the retailer improve impulse buying from customers.

Other In-Store Redesign Collaboration

Morrisons has also previously partnered with Harrison Retail on other occasions, including to develop bespoke shelving fixtures/solutions that better integrated with electronic shelf labels (ESLs).

According to a Harrison case study, Morrisons’ previous “off-the-shelf” design was unsatisfactory and the profile needed to work with all shelving in ambient areas of the store, from brand-new shelving in new stores to old shelving that had been in existing stores for many years.

As Morrisons continues to implement ESLs across its stores, Harrison has developed display solutions for the grocer’s fresh fruit and vegetable departments, deli counters and BevAlc and home sections as well as for its Petrol Forecourt stores.

Harrison also developed a reusable solution for the grocer’s fresh fish counter pricing displays

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