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Criteo Launches Online Retail Media University


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“The course is going to cover retail media and help people understanding the growth e-commerce is experiencing and why retail media is extremely important in the industry and why brands are shifting a ton of dollars to retail media,” Britton said. “It’s becoming an instrumental part of marketing plans today.”


Advertising technology company Criteo on March 28 officially launched its Retail Media University (RMU), multi-media training modules designed to equip brand marketers, retailers and agencies with critical knowledge on how retail media works, why it’s important and how to activate strategies in Criteo’s retail media platform.

In an exclusive interview with Path to Purchase IQ, Criteo’s vice president of retail media, Americas, Ryan Britton, detailed the company’s new interactive educational series, which is broken up into three modules and takes about two-three hours to complete. 

The first part of training comprises an overview of retail media. “If you are new to retail media, this really explores e-commerce and how it’s grown over the years and how important it is for brands to have a digital presence at shelf,” Britton said.

The second module examines Criteo’s platform basics, such as how to create campaigns, how to pull reports, and other basic aspects to know working with the platform.

The third module demonstrates how to master retail media strategies, such as pulling advanced reports and tips to get the most out of the platform and retail media in general.

The training will also offer hands-on support through what Criteo calls its "platform specialists," who are available for separate support calls.  

Criteo’s proprietary retail media platform and technology was built two years ago to help retailers and brands deliver advertising, such as display and sponsored product ads, on, and other retailer websites Criteo works with.

While this is the first educational series Criteo has offered of this kind, Britton said the company is always evolving and enhancing its platform and thinking of new ways to educate its clients, so they will continue to update the training as needed.

Those who complete the training will receive a special accreditation indicating their knowledge on retail media. “Anyone can access the training,” Britton said. “I would recommend anyone who’s touching our platform to take the courses and get accredited. It’s not just for people new to retail media, but also for people who have been working within retail media.”

Britton added that, particularly for agencies, this training is appealing because agencies are always looking to separate themselves from competitors, and Criteo’s retail media accreditations can be an excellent way to achieve that.

Britton said it’s important that Criteo offers a foundational education for its clients to help them understand how to use its platform correctly and the way they prefer. “We’re very open to that at Criteo. … I think what we’re seeing in the industry is a shift from managed-service programs to self-service options, so everybody, including the hands-on agencies, want to be able to access the platforms.”

(Red More: Q&A With Criteo: Retail Media 3.0)





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