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  • Children's Advil Countertop

    Product: Children's Advil Chewables
    Number of displays: 12,500
    P-O-P companies: Union Graphics (graphics), Linden, N.J.; Henschel-Steinau Inc. (design and manufacture), Englewood, N.J.
    Distribution: Supermarkets, drugstores and mass merchants
    Introduction: May 1999
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Four-color litho dual-mounted to 200-pound E-flute corrugated
    Display set-up: Retail staff
    Children's Advil Countertop
  • Dimetapp Get Better Gravity-Feed

    Client: Whitehall-Robins, Madison, N.J.
    Distribution: Mass merchants
    Size of Run: 6,000
    Producer: Smurfit-Stone Display Group, Richmond, Va.
    Division: Temporary, First Aid and Pharmaceutical
    Objectives: The gravity-feed units were designed to leverage the Dimetapp name with the Get Better Bear brand. The presentation was simplified and the graphics were expanded to allow consumers to readily understand the product and its use. After the initial launch, a reorder followed quickly.
    Dimetapp Get Better Gravity-Feed
  • Sundown Herbals Display

    Client: Rexall Sundown Inc., Boca Raton, Fla.
    Products Promoted: Sundown Herbals
    Objective: To design a display that demonstrates Rexall Sundown's unique "twist and learn" product labeling. Also, to take charge of organizing the vitamin/herbal category by designing a shelf management system for American Drug Stores' vitamin merchandising.
    Introduction: June 1999
    Number of Displays: 1,000
    Sundown Herbals Display
  • Allergy and Sinus Medication Display

    Client: Perrigo Co., Allegan, Mich.
    Products Promoted: Allergy and sinus medication
    Objective: To increase consumer awareness of Perrigo's over-the-counter medications with conveniently-located aisle displays.
    Introduction: April 1999
    Number of Displays: 2,000
    Construction/Materials: Four-color process-printed on 24-point SBS C1S with a corrugated base
    P-O-P Company: Ace-Hi Printed Graphics, Wyoming, Mich.
    Allergy and Sinus Medication Display
  • Children's Advil Countertops

    Client: Whitehall Robins, Madison, N.J.
    Products Promoted: Children's Advil Chewables
    Objective: To introduce the new Children's Advil Chewables to the child and youth market. An educational brochure was provided to the consumer and each display had a special take-one brochure holder attached.
    Introduction: May 1999
    Number of Displays: 10,000
    Construction/Materials: Four-color litho dual mounted to 200-pound E-fluted corrugated
    P-O-P Company: Henschel-Steinau Inc., Englewood, N.J.
    Children's Advil Countertops
  • Vitasana Vitamins Display

    Client: Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceutical Inc., Danbury, Conn.
    Products Promoted: Vitasana vitamins
    Objective: To drive sales by communicating the $3 value to consumers. Also, to highlight Vitasana's unique multi-vitamin/ginseng blend and easy-to-swallow gelcap form.
    Introduction: January 1999
    Number of Displays: 3,000
    Construction/Materials: Corrugated, four-color litho riser, one-color tray
    P-O-P Company: Triangle Display Group, Philadelphia
    Vitasana Vitamins Display
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