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  • Epican/Vitacor (Dr. Rath Vitamins)

    Retail Category: Drugstores/Health Stores
    Display Type: Freestanding: Temporary
    Client: Matthias Rath Inc., Santa Clara, Calif.
    Producer: Viking Packaging & Display, San Jose, Calif.
    Size of Run: 200
    Comments: The initial run of this vitamin display included two different headers so retailers could choose which of two products to emphasize.
    Epican/Vitacor (Dr. Rath Vitamins)
  • Roche Accu-Chek Pyramid Display

    Retail Category: Drugstores/Health Stores
    Display Type: Counter: Temporary
    Client: Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis
    Producer: Inland Consumer Packaging & Display, Indianapolis
    Size of Run: 14,500
    Comments: While the Accu-Chek blood sample meters are the dominant visual on these countertop displays, the goal was to ensure subsequent sales of the high-margin test strips used in the meters. Durable 200-lb. E-flute construction helped keep the display attractive during its intended two-month lifespan.
    Roche Accu-Chek Pyramid Display
  • Excedrin PM 24's "Buy 2 and Save" Feeder

    Retail Category: Mass Merchants
    Display Type: Endcaps & Power Wings
    Client: Bristol Myers Squibb, Plainsboro, N.J.
    Producer: Riccarr Displays Inc., Pine Brook, N.J.
    Size of Run: 1,200
    Comments: Excedrin PM sales increased at least one share point during the placement of this gravity-feed power wing. The display also fit Wal-Mart's design specifications.
    Excedrin PM 24's "Buy 2 and Save" Feeder
  • Flintstones Vitamins Display

    Client: Bayer Corp., Consumer Care Division, Elkhart, Ind.
    Introduction: December 2001
    Number of displays: 10,000
    Distribution: Supermarkets, drugstores, mass merchants
    Construction/Materials: Corrugated
    P-O-P company: Smurfit-Stone Display Group, Jackson, Wis.
    Comments: This gravity-feed floorstand showcases Bayer's longstanding ties to the Flintstones. Off-shelf display has been known to lift sales of the children's vitamins by up to 150%.
    Flintstones Vitamins Display
  • Vitamin World Permanent Display

    Retail Category: Drugstores/Health Stores
    Display Type: Freestanding: Permanent
    Client: NBTY, Bohemia, N.Y.
    Producer: The Display Link, Babylon, N.Y.
    Size of Run: 1,300
    Comments: A clear acrylic header and side panels make it easy to update graphics on this display for vitamins and supplements.
    Vitamin World Permanent Display
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