Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Manufacturers are often able to negotiate lower slotting fees." Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Compared to five years ago, retailers are much more likely to require slotting fees." Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Manufacturers have sought alternative distribution channels for their products as a result Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "What effect have slotting fees had on the profit levels of larger manufacturers?" Retailers* Rate Promotional Tactics' Impact on Consumer Sales Retailers: Do You Require Display Allowances of Marketers to Obtain Placement of P-O-P? Retailers: What Percentage Of Companies Providing Displays Fully Understand Your Needs? Retailers: Is Category Management a Factor in Accepting P-O-P Within Your Store/Chain? Retailers: What is the Most Important Factor When Accepting P-O-P for Your Chain/Store? Retailers: In What Area of Your Store is Your Company Most Likely to Position P-O-P? First Previous 15 16 17 18 19 Next Last