Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Slotting fees have damaged manufacturer-retailer cooperation." Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "The amount charged for slotting fees does not cover the costs a retailer incurs in adding a Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Slotting fees simply shift the risk of product introductions away from retailers and back t Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Manufacturers are often able to negotiate lower slotting fees." Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Compared to five years ago, retailers are much more likely to require slotting fees." Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Manufacturers have sought alternative distribution channels for their products as a result Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "What effect have slotting fees had on the profit levels of larger manufacturers?" Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Large retailers are more likely to require slotting fees than small retailers." Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Slotting fees have come about as a result of greater retailer influence." Manufacturer and Retailer Opinions: "Slotting Fees are a good indication of the likely success of a new product." First Previous 14 15 16 17 18 Next Last