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  • Korn Display Ships Prior to Concerts

    Hey, Is That Your Old Rag Doll?
  • El Dorado Interactive Display

    Client: Dreamworks, Universal City, Calif.
    Product Promoted: The Road to El Dorado" movie
    Marketing Strategy: The interactive display brings visual awareness to the movie by utilizing a combination of creative graphics and digital audio technology. The consumer can push eight flashing buttons to activate different audio clips from the movie.
    Introduction: December 1999
    Number of Displays: 1,500
    Distribution: Movie theaters across the country
    El Dorado Interactive Display
  • Metacom Jukebox

    Client: Metacom Music, Maple Grove, Minn.
    Products Promoted: CD and cassette music
    Marketing Strategy: The Jukebox was designed to entice customers with a recognizable image. They can interact with it much like a real jukebox.
    Introduction: June 1998
    Number of Displays: 2,000
    Distribution: Mass merchants, convenience stores, music merchants
    Construction/Materials: HDPE, PS, wood, electronic components
    P-O-P Company: Brookdale Plastics, Plymouth, Minn.
    Metacom Jukebox
  • Barney Songs Wal-Mart Pallet Display

    Client: Lyrick Studious, Richardson, Texas
    Distribution: Wal-Mart stores
    Size of Run: 1,000
    Producer: Phoenix Display/International Paper, Thorofare, N.J.
    Division: Temporary, Movies, Tapes, Records, CDs
    Objectives: A new Barney video was released in Wal-Mart stores with the support of this pallet display. It was intended to garner secondary placement for the new video as well as the old videos, and to encourage impulse purchases. Bright colors and friendly, familiar graphics were used to appeal to kids and adults.
    Barney Songs Wal-Mart Pallet Display
  • Mystery Men Backlit Sign

    Product: "Mystery Men" movie
    P-O-P company:, Burbank, Calif.
    Distribution: Movie theaters
    Introduction: May 1999
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Styrene, corrugated, fluorescent lights
    Display set-up: Theater staff
    Creative lighting was used to add dimension and generate consumer interest in the "Mystery Men" movie.
    Mystery Men Backlit Sign
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