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  • Polo Sport Floorstand

    Client: Ralph Lauren Fragrances -- Floorstand
    Products: Men's skin care/fragrance
    P-O-P company: P.O.P. Inc., Long Island City, N.Y.
    Distribution: Department stores
    Construction: Wood; laminate; styrene; silkscreen
    Introduction: January 1994
    Polo Sport Floorstand
  • Elizabeth Arden Learning Center

    Client: Elizabeth Arden
    Product: Elizabeth Arden Learning Center for the Spa Treatment Line
    P-O-P company: Consumer Promotions Inc., Mount Vernon, N.Y.
    Distribution: Department stores
    Construction: Injection molded; screened foil labels; wire rod; hot stamping decoration
    Introduction: June 1994
    Elizabeth Arden Learning Center
  • Joseph Abboud Men's Fragrance Display

    Client: Joseph Abboud
    Product: Men's fragrance
    P-O-P company: P.A. Glover Inc., Secaucus, N.J.
    Distribution: Department stores
    Construction: Tortoise shell; acrylic; silkscreened letters; hot stamped logo; wood; injection molded feet
    Introduction: November 1994
    Joseph Abboud Men's Fragrance Display
  • Elizabeth Arden Alpha Ceramide Factice Display

    Client: Elizabeth Arden
    Product: Alpha Ceramide Factice
    P-O-P company: Ledan Inc., New York
    Distribution: Department stores
    Construction: Injection-molded plastic with metallized plating
    Introduction: February 1994
    Elizabeth Arden Alpha Ceramide Factice Display
  • Max Factor Countertops

    Client: Procter & Gamble Cosmetic and Fragrance Products
    Product: Max Factor cosmetics
    P-O-P company: Henschel-Steinau Inc., Englewood, N.J.
    Distribution: Drug stores and mass merchants
    Construction: Injection-molded base and sign holders; labled, vacuum-formed inserts; chipboard header with four-color process litho-laminated sheet
    Introduction: February 1994
    Max Factor Countertops
  • Mass Market Cosmetics Makeover

    Mass Market Cosmetics Move Toward Interactive, While Seeking Untapped Niches and Opportunities
  • Liz Claiborne Purse Sprays

    Client: Liz Claiborne
    Products: Realities and Liz Claiborne purse sprays
    P-O-P company: Design Development Resources Inc., New York
    Distribution: Department stores
    Construction: Vacuum-formed base; litho-mounted headers
    Introduction: October 1994
    Liz Claiborne Purse Sprays
  • Bobbi Brown Essentials Cosmetics

    Client: Bobbi Brown Professional Cosmetics
    Product: Essentials cosmetics
    P-O-P company: Ledan Inc., New York
    Distribution: Salons and department stores
    Construction: Lacquered wood base; CNC-routed, silkscreened Corian top; acrylic header
    Introduction: March 1994
    Bobbi Brown Essentials Cosmetics
  • V by Vanderbilt Countertop

    Client: Cosmair Inc.
    Product: V ... by Vanderbilt perfumes
    P-O-P company: P.O.P. Inc., Long Island City, N.Y.
    Distribution: Mass merchants
    Construction: Molded NES and amoloy; mounted litho printing
    Introduction: January 1994
    V by Vanderbilt Countertop
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