Retailers: How much account-specific P-O-P have you demanded in the past 12 months? 2004 P-O-P Trends Report Marketers discuss RFQs, RFID technology, retailer relations and the role of P-O-P during a tough economy. Retailers: What obstacles prevent you from setting up P-O-P? Marketers: How often are your displays tested by retailers? Marketers: How strict have retailers been in enforcing clean-floor policies? 2004 P-O-P Trends Report: Retailer Attitudes Toward Vendor-Supplied Displays A survey of retailer executive attitudes and practices Retailers: Do you charge slotting and/or display fees? Retailers: What percent of accepted displays get placed? Retailers: Do you provide store specifications? Retailers: Who accepts display programs at your chain? First Previous 11 12 13 14 15 Next Last