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Personal Care

  • Coppertone Sport Sunscreen Display

    Type: Floorstand
    Product: Coppertone Sport sunscreen
    Client: Schering-Plough Healthcare Products
    P-O-P company: Trans World Marketing, East Rutherford, N.J.
    Construction: Corrugated cardboard base; vacuum-formed header and product tray
    Introduction: April 1992
    Coppertone Sport Sunscreen Display
  • Arden One Great Soap

    Product: One Great Soap
    Number of displays: 3,000
    P-O-P company: Ledan Inc., New York
    Distribution: Department stores
    Introduction: May 1992
    Duration: Permanent
    Construction: Acrylic
    Retailers are working themselves into a lather over a bubbler for One Great Soap.
    Arden One Great Soap
  • Rembrandt Whitening Toothpaste

    Product: Den-Mat Corp. Rembrandt whitening toothpaste
    Number of displays: 6,800 (floor display), 3,600 (sidekick)
    P-O-P company: Frank Maddocks & Co. (floor display); Bay Cities (sidekick production), both of Los Angeles
    Distribution: Drug stores, mass merchants, grocery stores, beauty salons and dentists' offices
    Introduction: December 1991
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Corrugated cardboard (sidekick), vacuum-formed plastic (floor stand)
    Displays for Rembrandt toothpaste must fit a variety of retail locations.
    Rembrandt Whitening Toothpaste
  • Neutrogena Sunblock

    Product: Neutrogena Sunblock
    Number of displays: 20,000
    P-O-P company: Comptes, Rico Rivera, Calif.
    Distribution: Drug stores, grocery stores and mass merchandisers
    Introduction: March 1992
    Duration: Promotional
    Construction: Corrugated
    Product: Neutrogena Shampoo; Neutrogena Conditioner
    Number of displays: 8,700
    P-O-P company: Service Container, Compton, Calif.
    Distribution: Drug stores, grocery stores and mass merchandisers
    Introduction: March 1992
    Neutrogena Sunblock
  • Breck Haircare

    Product: Dial Corp. Breck haircare products
    Number of displays: 300
    P-O-P company: Display-Pak, Minneapolis
    Distribution: Mass merchandisers, grocery and drug stores
    Introduction: Mass merchandisers, November 1991; grocery and drug stores, February 1992
    Duration: Promotional
    Construction: Corrugated cardboard with vinyl handles and acetate strips to hold the products
    The Breck Suitcase shows off "one of each flavor" in the haircare product line.
    Breck Haircare
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