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Convenience Stores

  • Bubble Tape Vertical Dispenser

    Introduction: January 1989
    P-O-P company: Niven Marketing Group
    Background: A popular product in c-stores and other channels of trade, Bubble Tapes still had some problems winning shelf space. Amurol created a dispenser that could be placed on a counter and takes up a minimum of space.
    Bubble Tape Vertical Dispenser
  • Northampton Peanut

    Product: Peanuts
    P-O-P company: Stone Container, Richmond, Va.
    Number of displays: 25,000
    Distribution: Supermarkets and convenience stores
    Introduction: March 1992
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Corrugated cardboard
    Northampton's peanuts are packaged to promote a number of Major League Baseball teams.
    Northampton Peanut
  • Marlboro Countertop

    Product: Cigarettes
    P-O-P company: Display Systems Inc., Maspeth, N.Y.
    Number of displays: 1,000 domestic, over 10,000 international
    Average unit cost: $70
    Distribution: Convenience stores, gas/convenience stores, smaller square-footage outlets
    Introduction: June 1991
    Duration: Permanent
    Construction: Styrene and K-resin
    Designed by its international group, the Philip Morris counter merchandiser has been a hit in the United States.
    Marlboro Countertop
  • Miller Time Summer

    Product: Miller Lite, Genuine Draft, Genuine Draft Light and Miller High Life beers
    Distribution: Supermarkets, convenience stores, mass merchandisers and drug stores
    Introduction: May 1992
    Duration: Promotional
    Construction: Various media
    Consumers can't miss Miller Brewing's summer promotions. A wide variety of P-O-P will be used and updated throughout the season.
    Miller Time Summer
  • Scripto Countertop

    Product: Electra pushbutton electric disposable lighter
    Number of displays: More than 3,000
    P-O-P company: Resources In Display, Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Distribution: Drug stores, convenience stores and supermarkets
    Introduction: January 1992
    Duration: Permanent
    Construction: Injection-molded high-impact styrene
    Electric disposable lighters get an upscale treatment with a permanent display from Scripto.
    Scripto Countertop
  • Old Milwaukee Genuine Draft

    Product: Stroh Brewery Co. Old Milwaukee Genuine Draft
    Number of displays: 5,000
    P-O-P company: Chicago Show Printing Co., Morton Grove, Ill. (display); Clegg Industries, Santa Monica, Calif. (lighting system)
    Distribution: Convenience and liquor stores
    Introduction: October 1991
    Duration: Permanent
    Construction: Vacuum-formed styrene
    The Old Milwaukee sign lights up liquor and convenience stores.
    Old Milwaukee Genuine Draft
  • Trail's Best Meat Sticks

    Product: Huisken Meats Trail's Best Giant Meat Sticks
    Number of displays: 1,000 initially
    P-O-P company: Stone Container, Sioux Falls, S.D.
    Distribution: Convenience stores, gas stations and grocery stores
    Introduction: February 1992
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Corrugated cardboard
    Huisken Meats trucks into stores with its meat-hauling counter rig.
    Trail's Best Meat Sticks
  • Times of Orange County

    Product: Orange County Plus employment section
    Number of displays: 1,800
    P-O-P company: Clegg Industries, Santa Monica, Calif.
    Distribution: Convenience stores
    Introduction: October 1991
    Duration: Promotional
    Shoppers heard all about the new, easier-to-use employment section in the Orange County edition of the Los Angeles Times on this "talking" newspaper rack.
    Times of Orange County
  • Pemmican Jerky Countertop

    Product: Goodmark Foods Inc. Pemmican Beef Jerky
    Number of displays: 2,500 floor; 7,500 counter
    P-O-P company: American Display Co. (floor); Chesapeake Display and Packaging (counter)
    Distribution: Convenience stores and supermarkets
    Introduction: June 1991
    Duration: Permanent
    Construction: Corrugate
    Reformulation, repackaging led to new Pemmican Beef Jerky displays.
    Pemmican Jerky Countertop
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