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Convenience Stores

  • LifeSavers Co./Virgin Interactive

    Products: Gummi Savers candy and "Heart of Darkness" computer game
    Number of displays: 30,000 floor displays and 20,000 counter units
    P-O-P companies: Kobin Enterprises (design), New York; Chesapeake Display & Packaging Co. (production), Winston-Salem, N.C.
    Distribution: Convenience stores (counter units); supermarkets, drugstores and mass merchants (floor displays)
    Introduction: August 1996
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Corrugated with a litho-wrapped header card
    LifeSavers Co./Virgin Interactive
  • Mistic Brands Floorstand

    Product: Fruit-flavored beverages
    Number of displays: 700
    P-O-P company: Display Technologies Inc., Whitestone, N.Y.
    Distribution: Supermarkets and convenience stores
    Introduction: March 1996
    Duration: Permanent
    Construction: High-impact polystyrene
    The gravity-feed display rack used by Mistic Brands lets the beverage maker stock all of its products in one freewheeling location.
    Mistic Brands Floorstand
  • Brown & Haley Peppermints

    Product: Extra-Strength Peppermints breath mints
    Number of displays: 100,000
    P-O-P companies: David Lemley Design (design), Seattle; Eagle Paper Box Co. (manufacture), Tacoma, Wash.
    Distribution: Convenience stores, department stores, mass merchants, drug chains, supermarkets
    Introduction: July 1996
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Four-color 18-point paperboard
    Brown & Haley Peppermints
  • Yoo-hoo Rack

    Product: Yoo-hoo Mix-Ups
    P-O-P company: Display Technologies, Whitestone, N.Y.
    Distribution: Convenience stores and delis on the East Coast
    Introduction: August 1996
    Duration: Permanent
    Construction: Injection-molded plastic (glide rack)
    Logo-covered glide racks promote Yoo-hoo Mix-Ups, a new drink line from Austin, Nichols & Co.
    Yoo-hoo Rack
  • Concord Confections Gumballs

    Product: Seedlings gumballs
    Number of displays: 450,000
    P-O-P companies: L'aubier Inc. (manufacture), Ste-Clothilde de Norton, Quebec; G.C.I. Communications Inc. (header/label design), Toronto; Goldrich Inc. (header/label printing), Toronto
    Distribution: Sam's Club, convenience stores, drugstores and mass merchants
    Introduction: July 1996
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Pine; four-color pressure-sensitive label; four-color header on 100-pound paperboard
    Concord Confections Gumballs
  • Pepsi Stuff Motion

    Product: Pepsi and Diet Pepsi products
    P-O-P companies: Art Merchandising Inc. (catalog holder, Pepsi logo-ball), New York; Display Graphics (design of Pepsi logo-ball for cube stacker), Dayton, Ohio; Decision Point Marketing (window graphics), Winston-Salem, N.C.
    Distribution: Supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, fountain sales and vending machines
    Introduction: April 1996
    Duration: Promotional
    Pepsi Stuff Motion
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