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Consumer Electronics

  • Mophie Marquee Display

    Client: mophie Inc., Kalamazoo, MI
    Product(s) Promoted: Cell Phone Case
    Distribution: Best Buy & Best Buy Mobile
    Number of Stores: 50
    Production Run Quantity: 50
    Introduction: 5/23/14
    Intended Duration: 6 months
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 15" x 44" x 16"
    Weight: 60 lbs.
    Budget Category (U.S.) $851 - $900 (display only)

    Mophie Marquee Display
  • Marshall Best Buy Endcap

    Client: Zound Industries, Stockholm,
    Product(s) Promoted: Stanmore speaker, Major headphones, Monitor headphones, Minor earbuds
    Distribution: Best Buy
    Number of Stores: 250
    Production Run Quantity: 250
    Introduction: 11/1/13
    Intended Duration: 1 year
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 60" x 48" x 24"
    Weight: 200 lbs.

    Marshall Best Buy Endcap
  • Xbox One Display Program

    Client: Microsoft, Seattle, WA
    Product(s) Promoted: Xbox One Console
    Distribution: BBY, TRU, Target, Walmart, Game Stop, Europe retailers, Australia
    Number of Stores: 13,000
    Production Run Quantity: 13,000
    Introduction: 10/25/14
    Intended Duration: 5 years
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 80" x 23" x 23"
    Weight: 150 lbs.

    Xbox One Display Program
  • Mophie Counter Display

    Client: mophie Inc., Kalamazoo, MI
    Product(s) Promoted: Cell Phone Case
    Distribution: Independent Retailers, Dillards, Verizon Wireless nationwide
    Number of Stores: 2,400
    Production Run Quantity: 2,400
    Introduction: 5/23/14
    Intended Duration: 1 year
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 14" x 10" x 11"
    Weight: 10 lbs.

    Mophie Counter Display
  • Yoshi's New Island Interactive Display

    Client: Nintendo of America, Redmond, WA
    Product(s) Promoted: Yoshi's New Island Game
    Distribution: Walmart, Best Buy, GameStop, Target, Toys R Us
    Number of Stores: 5 retail stores
    Production Run Quantity: 5,500
    Introduction: 3/15/14
    Intended Duration: 6 months
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 19" x 38" x 3"
    Weight: 3 lbs.

    Yoshi's New Island Interactive Display
  • Sony PS4 Freestanding Display

    Client: SCEA, San Mateo, CA
    Product(s) Promoted: SCEA Freestanding Display
    Distribution: Electronic Stores
    Number of Stores: 3,700
    Production Run Quantity: 3,700
    Introduction: 11/15/13
    Intended Duration: 3-5 years
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 72" x 39" x 23"
    Weight: 100 lbs.
    Budget Category (U.S.) > $1,001 (includes product)

    Sony PS4 Freestanding Display
  • 'Mario Kart 8' Pallet and Standee

    Client: Nintendo of America, Redwood City, CA
    Product(s) Promoted: Mario Kart 8
    Distribution: Best Buy and Walmart
    Number of Stores: 1,145
    Production Run Quantity: 1,200
    Introduction: 4/20/14
    Intended Duration: 6 weeks
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 60" x 36" x 60"
    Weight: 45 lbs.
    Budget Category (U.S.) $101 - $150 (display only)

    'Mario Kart 8' Pallet and Standee
  • Amazon Fire TV Floorstand

    Client: Amazon, Seattle, WA
    Product(s) Promoted: Amazon Fire TV
    Distribution: Best Buy Stores, United States
    Number of Stores: 170
    Production Run Quantity: 180
    Introduction: 5/1/13
    Intended Duration: 8-12 weeks
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 60" x 27" x 18"
    Weight: 0 lbs.
    Budget Category (U.S.) $151 - $200 (display only)

    Amazon Fire TV Floorstand
  • Pilot Flying J Mobile Tech Learning Center

    Client: DAS, Lawn, PA
    Product(s) Promoted: Mobile Electronic Devices to include GPS, Bluetooth Headsets/Earpieces & complementary products
    Distribution: Pilot Flying J Travel Centers
    Number of Stores: 90
    Production Run Quantity: 90
    Introduction: 10/1/13
    Intended Duration: 3 years
    Dimensions (H x W x D): 59" x 48" x 20"
    Weight: 200 lbs.

    Pilot Flying J Mobile Tech Learning Center
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