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Super Bowl & Football

  • Inflatable Cars and Chairs

    Client: Alvimar Performance Corp., Long Island City, N.Y.
    Product Promoted: Inflatable cars and chairs
    Objective: To capitalize on the popularity of NASCAR with racing-themed inflatable cars and chairs.
    Introduction: May 1999
    Producer: Alvimar Manufacturing Co., Long Island City, N.Y.
    Inflatable Cars and Chairs
  • Budweiser Sun

    Client: Anheuser-Busch Inc., St. Louis
    Products Promoted: Budweiser and Bud Light beers
    Objective: The Bud family of brands attempted to convey to consumers that during the summer months, Bud and Bud Light should be a part of their summer activities. The inflatable promotes having "fun in the sun."
    Introduction: June 1998
    Construction/Materials: Yellow and silver PVC with logos printed on sunglass lenses and back of inflatable
    P-O-P Company: Small Wonder Inflatables Inc., El Cajon, Calif.
    Budweiser Sun
  • Budweiser Baseball

    Client: Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis
    Product Promoted: Budweiser beer
    Objective: To reinforce A-B's standing as the official beer of Major League Baseball and its long association with the sport.
    Introduction: March 1999
    Producer: Small Wonder Inflatables Inc., El Cajon, Calif.
    Budweiser Baseball
  • Intensor Gaming Chair Display

    Client: Blau Marketing
    Producer: Thomson-Leeds Company Inc.
    Intensor Gaming Chair Display
  • Skechers Shoe Shelf

    Client: Skechers USA, Manhattan Beach, Calif.
    Distribution: Shoe retailers and mass merchants nationwide and internationally
    Size of Run: 1,000 sets of five pieces
    Producer: Small Wonder Inflatables, El Cajon, Calif., and United Displaycraft, Des Plaines, Ill.
    Division: Permanent, Footwear and Shoe Care
    Objectives: To provide vivid clear neon inflatable material that would complement the client's shoe design. Repetitive branding via screenprinted logos provides 20 logos per set to reinforce consumer brand awareness.
    Skechers Shoe Shelf
  • Moovers Milk Display

    Client: Smith Dairy, Cleveland
    Product Promoted: "Moovers" Milk
    Objective: To introduce single-serve milk to the market, using chocolate milk as the lead product. The inflatable was developed to serve as a focal point in-store, drawing consumers to the product and product lines.
    Introduction: December 1998
    Construction/Materials: PVC-sealed inflatable with hang tabs at the top for hanging
    P-O-P Company: Small Wonder Inflatables Inc., San Diego, Calif.
    Moovers Milk Display
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