Nate Hayden
Senior Director of Customer Marketing
Blount Fine Foods
Main job responsibilities: Leading our team to drive best-in-class promotion activity at shelf, driving insights and strategies to our customers though our sales team, and leading our media planning, consumer activation and content charge.
How you win with shoppers during uncertain economic times: Value, quality and assortment. Not just in flavor assortment, but also in size and price point.
New marketing tactic that you use: I can’t give away all of our secrets, but I get asked many times, “Why don’t you always do what all the brands are doing?” Well, that’s your answer. It really comes down to being authentic and meeting consumers where they are throughout their shopping journey.
Best career advice you’ve received: There’s so many things to pick from for this. Bob Sewall, Blount’s head of sales, reminds us of one quote all the time: “You get what you inspect, not what you expect.” That’s a mantra that can drive a lot of activity and insights forward.
Memorable aha moment in your career: Listen to consumers’ wants and needs. What they are telling you isn’t always right on the surface, so you might have to dig. Figure out the “why” behind it and leverage it. There are a few times this has surprised me or driven that aha moment. When a new item followed those wants, the sales and basket data came back proving it all matched our consumer learnings.
What you are reading or watching right now: With a toddler at home, there’s been a lot of “Sesame Street” and a lot less reading lately. I’ll also watch any good hockey game.
Summer travel plans: In New England, everyone’s coming this way for the beaches and perfect summertime weather. So, I’m not going anywhere other than enjoying the local paradise, beaches and seafood with family and friends — until it gets cold.