Forward . . . into the Past! Category Report: Consumer Electronics P-O-P Times Renamed Shopper Marketing Events: 2008 In-Store Marketing Summit Recap A recap of presentations from the 2008 In-Store Marketing Summit P&G's Bounty Re-Launch A case study from the Promotion Marketing Association's 2008 Reggie Awards The Fifth "P" Leveraging people as your most important marketing asset 'The Hub': Moments of Truth Procter & Gamble shopper-marketing chief Dina Howell says the proof of retail’s potential is in the bottom line. A Shopper Interrupted Consumer needs are driving format experimentation 'The Hub': The Art of Shopping Everything around shopper marketing is evolving. So, too, must be our approach to its creative. Technology the Key to 'Managing Shoppability' First Previous 58 59 60 61 Next Last