Frito-Lay 'Finding Nemo' Tie-in Price is Nice An Ad Age study finds price offers have the greatest influence on 'spur of the moment' purchases Consumer Awareness of Coupon Savings, 1997-2002 Coupon Distribution by Vehicle, 2002 CPG Coupon Trends, 2002 An overview of NCH Marketing Services' annual report Chart 3: Limited-Assortment Category Pricing Advantage Chart 2: Limited-Assortment Store Departmental Price Advantages Chart 1: Total Market Basket Price Comparison, Limited Assortment vs. Supermarket Play Big: The Consumer Packaged Goods Imperative Excerpts from an IBM Business Consulting Services report on the state of the consumer packaged goods industry Consumer Food-Shopping Trip Patterns, 2003 Highlights from ACNielsen's Annual Report on Channel Shopping Shifts First Previous 589 590 591 Next Last