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Special Reports

  • Cosmetics Branch Out

    As the line between mass and prestige cosmetics continues to blur, less saturated beauty markets are being targeted to build sales.
  • Sweets Sales Get Sweeter

    Candy and gum products are gaining in-store visibility and stronger sales through creative packaging and P-O-P.
  • A License to Sell

    Integrating licensed properties into P-O-P materials can help push impulse sales and enhance the brand image. But it takes planning, time and a willingness to work with property owners on their terms.
  • Crunch Time

    Salty and savory snack marketers tap merchandising synergies with other snack and beverage products to further the category's growth trend.
  • Now Showing...In a Store Near You

    In-store media networks place ads into stores with full retailer compliance. However, navigating the range of options and the patchwork of coverage remains a challenge.
  • Liquid Assets

    Spirits, wine and beer marketers are adding some pizzazz to the category with new products and marketing programs.
  • Best Sellers

    Current events have taken some media attention away from best-selling authors, making retail a crucial environment in promoting new releases.
  • Beverage P-O-P Makes a Splash

    Beverage marketers face stiff competition to make their products stand out in a sea of introductions and powerful brands.
  • A Gift for Sales Lift?

    Enhanced packaging and P-O-P displays promoting products with premiums may improve impulse sales when executed properly.
  • For the Love of the P-O-P Game

    In the competitive world of sporting goods merchandising, concept shops and multi-tiered promotional programs rule the playing field.
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