K-C Says 'Seize Your Poise Moment' Omnichannel campaign helps women admit their LBL problem and shop for a solution K-C's Depend Builds 'Underwareness' New Silhouette product rollout and campaign targets younger female consumers Depend 'Shields' Its Target: Men K-C addresses bladder leakage in men through education in-store and online K-C Wants Girls to Be in the Know With retailer support, U by Kotex educates target consumers via integrated campaign 2013 Shopper Marketing Effie Winners Effie Winners Unveiled Effie Worldwide 2013 Shopper Marketing Finalists Kimberly-Clark Wants to 'Talk' Menopause Supports Poise line extension with dedicated website and account-specific retail activity Kimberly-Clark Shakes Up Feminine Care New U by Kotex takes aim at tradition with black-box packaging, neon wrappers. 1