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Best Buy

  • Silver Bullet Video Merchandiser

    Retail Category: Mass Merchants
    Display Type: Freestanding: Permanent
    Client: Twentieth Century Fox, Century City, Calif.
    Producer: Cornerstone Display Group Inc., San Fernando, Calif.
    Size of Run: 1,500
    Comments: Kmart, Best Buy and Wal-Mart stores nationwide received this permanent floorstand with interchangeable graphic panels for releases from Twentieth Century Fox. Its product trays accommodate both VHS and DVD video releases, and theft-deterrent DVD modules discourage pilferage.
    Silver Bullet Video Merchandiser
  • Best Buy Super Bowl Display

    Retail Category: Mass Merchants
    Display Type: Counter: Temporary
    Client: Best Buy Co., Eden Prairie, Minn.
    Producer: Meyers Display, Minneapolis
    Size of Run: 450
    Comments: Almost all of the Best Buy stores featuring this "Free Party Pack" reported increased sales of televisions during Super Bowl season. Placed on endcaps near the television area, the displays offered a free cooler, Slim Jim snack, and coupons for Totino's pizza and Pepsi with the purchase of any 32-inch or larger TV.
    Best Buy Super Bowl Display
  • Tony Hawk Shipper

    Best Buy Co., Minneapolis, boosted video sales with a shipper display placed in 400 of its stores. "Tony Hawk's Trick Tips," a video and DVD about skateboarding from renowned skateboard champion Tony Hawk, was featured in a shipper holding 36 VHS tapes and 12 DVDs. "Our objective was to have a high-impact presentation of the product in order to promote a sweepstakes for Tony Hawk We are enjoying excellent results with the display in that our sales have exceeded our expectations by over 25%," says Cindy Springer, marketing manager for Red Line Entertainment, a division of Best Buy.
    Tony Hawk Shipper
  • CNN Headline News

    Product: CNN News Group network
    Number of displays: 325
    P-O-P company: Clarion Marketing & Communications, Atlanta
    Distribution: Best Buy stores
    Introduction: November 1998
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Corrugate
    Display set-up: Retail staff
    CNN used this floorstand in Best Buy stores to promote its programs and showcase a sweepstakes.
    CNN Headline News
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