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Best Buy

  • Best Buy New Release CD Tower

    Client: Best Buy, Eden Prairie, Minn.
    P-O-P Company: Thorco Industries Inc., Lamar, Mo.
    Division: Permanent, Movies, Tapes, Records, CDs
    Size of Run: 100
    Objective: To create an easily repositioned fixture to merchandise newly released CD titles in a minimum amount of floor space. By placing the unit in strategic locations, the intent is to attract customers not destined for the music department. The tower's quick-change sign channels allow a graphic tie-in with the artists featured and promotions from other media.
    Best Buy New Release CD Tower
  • Chas. Levy Magazines Display

    Publisher/Distributor: Chas. Levy Co., Chicago
    Products Promoted: Magazines
    Objective: Chas. Levy wanted a flexible display that would keep magazines organized and in a dedicated spot on a rack. The company also wanted it to show more of the magazine facings that range in size. The height is flexible from 10 to 13 rows.
    Distribution: Best Buy stores
    Number of Displays: More than 1,200
    Construction/Materials: Wood, metal, plastic, masonite
    Introduction: August 1997
    P-O-P Producer: AG Industries Inc., Cleveland
    Chas. Levy Magazines Display
  • Sega Best Buy Interactive Display

    P-O-P company: RTC Industries, Team Sega division
    Client: Sega of America
    Product: Sega Genesis games
    Released: March 1995
    The Sega Best Buy Interactive Display is a two-sided unit with a place for hardware on each side. Control pads are also included on each side. Hooks are used to highlight the products (in this case, the Sega Genesis games.)
    Sega Best Buy Interactive Display
  • Sega Best Buy Interactive Display

    Client: Sega of America
    P-O-P company: RTC Industries, Rolling Meadows, Ill.
    Sega Best Buy Interactive Display
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