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Consumer Electronics

  • AT&T Mall Kiosk

    Client: AT&T, Paramus, N.J.
    P-O-P Company: Conocraft, McAfee, N.J.
    Division: Permanent, Telecommunications
    Size of Run: 250
    Objective: To reduce costs related to permanent in-line stores while maintaining a retail presence for AT&T Wireless Services. By closing one store, the client could open kiosk locations in 10 regional malls, thereby increasing retail presence ten-fold for the same dollars and achieving a tremendous return on the company's investment.
    AT&T Mall Kiosk
  • Yamaha Home Theater Floorstand

    Client: Yamaha Electronics Corp., Buena Park, Calif.
    P-O-P Company: Santa Cruz Industries, Santa Cruz, Calif.
    Division: Permanent, Home Entertainment - Non-Interactive, Non-Motion or Non-Illuminated
    Size of Run: 497
    Objective: The audio and visual attributes of the Home Theater required the display to make it ergonomically comfortable to experience all aspects of the system. The display also needed to merchandise all the components in a small space while reinforcing the high quality of the system, both in terms of clarity and modularity.
    Yamaha Home Theater Floorstand
  • Visioneer Countertop

    Client: Image Network, San Jose, Calif.
    P-O-P Company: Rapid Displays, Union City, Calif.
    Division: Permanent, Computer Hardware
    Size of Run: 2,500
    Objective: To introduce Strobe, a color scanner, and provide information using a flip chart.
    Visioneer Countertop
  • Hewlett-Packard Home Imaging Display

    Client: Hewlett-Packard, Greeley, Colo.
    P-O-P Company: Beeline Group Inc., Newark, Calif.
    Division: Permanent, Computer Hardware
    Size of Run: 3,000
    Objective: To provide a total merchandising and branding solution to position Hewlett-Packard as the premiere product in the home imaging category.
    Hewlett-Packard Home Imaging Display
  • Aiwa Car Stereo Display

    Product: Car stereos
    Client: AIWA
    Producer: Tchai Display, The Netherlands
    Aiwa Car Stereo Display
  • Microsoft Office 97 Puzzle

    Client: Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Wash.
    Producer: Rapid Displays, Union City, Calif.
    Marketing Objective: With the release of Office 97, marketers wanted to create awareness and anticipation at retail. The new 32-bit desktop version inspired a campaign that evoked a quantum leap in the way people use desktop applications. The shape and colors of the ten snap-together panels for the "House of Cards" concept replicate the Office 97 logo.
    Microsoft Office 97 Puzzle
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