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Consumer Electronics

  • LG Lotus Countertop

    Client: LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A. Inc.
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 5 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $100
    Production Date: 10/10/2008
    Production Run Quantity: 2,000
    LG Lotus Countertop
  • LG Vu Standee

    Client: LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A. Inc.
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 5 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $100
    Production Date: 3/3/2008
    Production Run Quantity: 2,500
    LG Vu Standee
  • LG Lotus Window Hanging Sign

    Client: LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A. Inc.
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 5 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $100
    Production Date: 10/10/2008
    Production Run Quantity: 2,000
    LG Lotus Window Hanging Sign
  • Koodo Mobile Sales-Assist Kiosk Network

    Client: Koodo Mobile
    Country of Production: Canada
    Country of Placement: Canada
    Producer: ADFLOW Networks Inc.
    Unit Cost: Over $1,000
    Production Date: 3/17/2008
    Number of Sites: 58
    Number of Screens per Site: 4
    Number of Distinct Channels of Content Per Site: 4
    Day-Parted? No
    Koodo Mobile Sales-Assist Kiosk Network
  • Verizon Impulse Half Pallet

    Client: Verizon Wireless
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 2 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $200
    Production Date: 6/9/2008
    Production Run Quantity: 1,200
    Verizon Impulse Half Pallet
  • Sonos Display Program

    Client: Sonos Inc.
    Country of Production: United States
    Placement: Europe
    Intended Length of Use: 24 months
    Producer: Design Phase Inc.
    Unit Cost: Under $750
    Production Date: 7/1/2008
    Production Run Quantity: 1,600
    Objectives: To create a family of worldwide displays that would build the Sonos brand at retail and effectively increase sales through product demonstration and consistent effective brand messaging.
    Sonos Display Program
  • Samsung 'Renew. Rethink. Recycle.' Signage

    Retailer: Best Buy
    Location: San Francisco
    Samsung 'Renew. Rethink. Recycle.' Signage
  • Nintendo DS Endcap

    Retailer: Best Buy
    Location: San Francisco
    Nintendo DS Endcap
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