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  • H-E-B Halloween Costume Display

    Client: H.E. Butt Grocery Co., San Antonio, Texas
    Distribution: H.E. Butt supermarkets
    Size of Run: 175
    Producer: AC Industries, Cleveland
    Division: Semi-Permanent, Stationery, Office Supplies and Seasonal Goods: Stationery, Party Goods, Gift Wrap, Disposable Writing Instruments and Seasonal Items
    H-E-B Halloween Costume Display
  • H-E-B Sea Witch Halloween Spectacular

    Client: H.E. Butt
    Producer: RCS, an American Greetings Company
    Comments: The size of this display and its theme worked as a backdrop for sales promotion events. Participating retailers reported more than a 30% increase in overall seasonal purchases.
    H-E-B Sea Witch Halloween Spectacular
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