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Toy, Hobby, & Games

  • GoGo Walking Pup Interactive Display

    Client Company: Hasbro Inc.
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 5 months
    Producer: United Displaycraft
    Unit Cost: Under $400
    Production Date: 4/1/2010
    Production Run Quantity: 1,050
    Objectives: Allow consumers to interact with GoGo and see her movements and actions. Create a consumer-stopping home to showcase GoGo. Describe GoGo's features. Portray GoGo's fun personality with the on-shelf merchandiser.
    GoGo Walking Pup Interactive Display
  • Walmart Hasbro Interactive Monitor Program

    Client Company: Hasbro Inc.
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 12 months
    Producer: United Displaycraft
    Unit Cost: Under $400
    Production Date: 4/1/2010
    Production Run Quantity: 1,050
    Walmart Hasbro Interactive Monitor Program
  • 'Metroid' Standee

    Client Company: Nintendo of America
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 2 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost Under: $100
    Production Date: 7/26/2010
    Production Run: 6,010
    'Metroid' Standee
  • Lego Darth Vader Model Case

    Client Company: Lego System Inc.
    Production Quantity: 630
    Producer: Frank Mayer & Associates Inc.
    Unit Cost: Under $750
    Country of Production: USA
    Country of Placement: USA
    Lego Darth Vader Model Case
  • Kinect 'You Are the Controller' Mirrored Elements

    Client Company: Microsoft/Xbox
    Length of use: 2 months
    Unit Cost: $26.83
    Production Run Quantity: 8,124
    Production Date: October 1, 2010
    Producer: LAgraphico
    Objectives: During the initial teaser campaign, create awareness and excitement about Kinect as a revolutionary new gaming technology. Entice the consumer about the controller-free aspect of Kinect by showing them in the mirror that "You are the controller."
    Kinect 'You Are the Controller' Mirrored Elements
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