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Consumer Electronics

  • LG Optimus M Floorstand

    Client Company: LGE MobileComm
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 3 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $200
    Production Date: 11/29/2010
    Production Run Quantity: 1,000
    LG Optimus M Floorstand
  • Logitech Alert DVS Endcap

    Client Company: Logitech
    Length of use: 9 months
    Unit Cost: $475
    Production Run Quantity: 600
    Production Date: October 1, 2010
    Producer: LAgraphico
    Objectives: Reinvigorate a product line for the client with clean, consistent re-branding, give consumers a visceral and interactive feel for the solid construction and benefits of the products, and tell the story of the products' features and benefits by utilizing a looping video system.
    Logitech Alert DVS Endcap
  • Walmart iPod Speaker Fixture

    Client: Walmart
    Producer: POP Displays
    Length of Use: 36 months
    Production Date: March 8, 2010
    Production Quantity: 1,500
    Cost: $850
    Objectives: Create a fixture to merchandise iPod speakers with dependable interactivity and durability to withstand heavy Walmart shopper traffic. Enable shoppers to hear pre-selected music to evaluate good-better-best speaker quality. Meet tight timing and cost requirements.
    Materials: Sheet metal base, pegboard back, metal shelves, electronics.
    Walmart iPod Speaker Fixture
  • Olympus PEN Camera Showcase

    Client: Olympus Imaging America
    Producer: POP Displays
    Length of Use: 36 months
    Production Date: Aug 16, 2010
    Production Quantity: 500 (only 20 floorstands)
    Objectives: Develop a freestanding counter and floor unit for Olympus PEN cameras in non-national accounts. Reinforce the upscale, retro brand imagery. Feature the full collection (camera, lens and accessories) in one compact unit with the flexibility for a security cover and secondary display of key items.
    Olympus PEN Camera Showcase
  • 'Get Him to the Greek' Best Buy Tower

    Client Company: Universal Studios Home Entertainment
    Length of use: 2 months
    Unit Cost: $125
    Production Run Quantity: 775
    Production Date: August 1, 2010
    Producer: LAgraphico
    Primary Country: United States
    Objectives: To gain consumer awareness of the release of the must-own home entertainment title of the season, "Get Him to the Greek," by providing a high-end merchandiser that will attract attention and broaden sales of the unrated editions of the DVD and Blu-ray.
    'Get Him to the Greek' Best Buy Tower
  • HP Creates Digital Tools

    Web program targets retail staff; mobile guide helps shoppers
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