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  • Meijer Store Books Display

    Client: Levy Home Entertainment, Hillside, Ill.
    Comments: Book distributor Levy Home Entertainment designed book departments for Meijer stores in order to provide customers with an organized, well-lit and space-efficient presentation. An overhead canopy system and lighting create visual interest, while vacuum-formed pockets feature new introductions and best sellers.
    Introduction: January 2001, ongoing through 2002
    Size of Run: 25 in 2001 and 40 more expected in 2002
    Meijer Store Books Display
  • Metacom Meijer's Music Station

    Brookdale Plastics, Plymouth, Minn., won an award for its Metacom Meijer's Music Station recently. It was recognized as the best in the heavy-gauge - thermoformed assembly category.
       The interactive unit was designed to enhance the sale of CDs and cassettes and features a touchscreen that enables the consumer to sample music from a variety of titles. The unit is further enhanced with backlit transparencies and metallized vacuum-formed parts.
    Metacom Meijer's Music Station
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