P-O-P Spotlight: Brands Promote Sweepstakes We showcase a sampling of displays and signage that leverage sweepstakes as part of the in-store activation. Jewel Mondelez 'Share The Snacks You Love' Digital Endcap Display Wells Enterprises to Share Details of Out-of-the-Sky Shopper Activation at P2PI LIVE In November, the parent company of Blue Bunny and Halo Top will discuss insights and results from a massive summer activation with Jewel-Osco. Comings & Goings: September 2018 Shaw's, Star Market President to Lead Jewel-Osco From Progressive Grocer, July 18: Supervalu, General Mills Keep on 'Learning' FSI Report: Aug. 12, 2007 Newspaper Merchandising in Supermarkets Case studies from the Newspaper Association of America's Single-Copy Merchandiser of the Year Awards Privacy Rights Clearinghouse v. Albertsons Inc. 1