Inside Insights, Part 1: Aligning Research for Shopper Marketing Success It's a brave new world as marketing researchers take a fresh approach with shoppers at the core. Economy of Scale P-O-P People to Watch: Scott Daughdril, Coca-Cola Co. P-O-P Times profiles nine exemplary in-store marketing professionals Centerra Plays to Football Crowd Nielsen Becomes the Standards Bearer U.S. Retailing Trends from ACNielsen 'The Hub': Profiles in Activation Wisk and Tecate move the sales needle by activating their consumers in targeted, engaging ways Store Check: Giant Food's Camp Hill Prototype RFID News Briefs News items and retailer announcements about RFID technology, in chronological order Computing P-O-P As the computer hardware market matures, product marketers are finding that they must simplify their P-O-P messages to reach an expanding customer base and work more closely with retailers to gain placement. 1 2 Next Last