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Specialty Retailer

  • Rogers Rocket Standee

    Client Company: Rogers Communications Inc.
    Category: Computers
    Country of Production: Canada
    Country of Placement: Canada
    Intended Length of Use: 3 months
    Producer: Artisan Complete
    Unit Cost: Under $50
    Production Date: 11/3/2008
    Production Run Quantity: 1,465
    Rogers Rocket Standee
  • Citibank Checking Countertop

    Client Company: Wunderman NY
    Category: Specialty Retailer
    Country of Production: Canada
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 2 months
    Producer: Artisan Complete
    Unit Cost: Under $25
    Production Date: 9/19/2008
    Production Run Quantity: 1,142
    Citibank Checking Countertop
  • Rogers "All the Best" Standee

    Client Company: Rogers Communications Inc.
    Category: Computers
    Country of Production: Canada
    Country of Placement: Canada
    Intended Length of Use: 2 months
    Producer: Artisan Complete
    Unit Cost: Under $100
    Production Date: 11/3/2008
    Production Run Quantity: 1,200
    Rogers "All the Best" Standee
  • GE Profile Wall

    Client: GE Consumer Product Appliances
    Category: Limited Production Run
    Producer: Darko Inc.
    Unit Cost: Over $1,000
    Production Date: 2/1/2008
    Objectives: Create a realistic kitchen environment for the independently owned appliance showroom/dealer that reflected and helped convey a consistent GEProfile brand message of quality and technology.
    GE Profile Wall
  • Aerie Holiday 08 Gift Box Wall

    Client: Aerie
    Producer: Innomark Communications
    Production Date: September 2008
    Production Run Quantity: 160
    Objectives: To design an oversized freestanding window display using gift boxes.
    Aerie Holiday 08 Gift Box Wall
  • Excedrin BOGO Shipper

    Retailer: Bed Bath & Beyond
    Location: Chicago
    Excedrin BOGO Shipper
  • Axe Hair Shipper

    Retailer: Bed Bath & Beyond
    Location: Chicago
    Axe Hair Shipper
  • Conair 'Infiniti' Brush Shipper

    Retailer: Bed Bath & Beyond
    Location: Chicago
    Conair 'Infiniti' Brush Shipper
  • Halls Naturals Shipper

    Retailer: Bed Bath & Beyond
    Location: Chicago
    Halls Naturals Shipper
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