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Specialty Retailer

  • USPS Flat Rate Box Counter Card

    Client Company: Draftfcb for USPS
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 2 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $10
    Production Date: 9/1/2009
    Production Run Quantity: 48,000
    Objectives: To create a premium but inexpensive way to leverage media advertising at retail and dispense a simple brochure that educates consumers on the flat rate box program in multiple locations throughout the retail environment.
    USPS Flat Rate Box Counter Card
  • Bath & Body Works Holiday Candle Display

    Client Company: Bath & Body Works
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 1 month
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $500
    Production Date: 9/15/2009
    Production Run Quantity: 1,114
    Bath & Body Works Holiday Candle Display
  • LG Incite Counter Display

    Client Company: LG Electronics MobileComm
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 3 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $50
    Production Date: 1/8/2009
    Production Run Quantity: 2,200
    LG Incite Counter Display
  • Bath & Body Works Large Reindeer Window Display

    Client Company: Bath & Body Works
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 1 month
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $750
    Production Date: 9/1/2009
    Production Run Quantity: 810
    Objectives: To communicate Bath & Body Works' holiday theme, "The Perfect Christmas," through an eye-catching motion display. To heighten sales during the critical holiday selling season.
    Bath & Body Works Large Reindeer Window Display
  • LG Verizon Wireless Floorstand

    Client Company: LG Electronics MobileComm
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 12 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $200
    Production Date: 3/10/2009
    Production Run Quantity: 2,200
    LG Verizon Wireless Floorstand
  • Nintendo Super Mario Bros. Standee

    Client Company: Nintendo of America
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 2 months
    Producer: Rapid Displays
    Unit Cost: Under $100
    Production Date: 11/2/2009
    Production Run Quantity: 1,100
    Objectives: Produce an exciting message that the New Super Mario Bros. game is now available on the Nintendo Wii gaming platform. Design a merchandising standee display that could also sell product right off the display.
    Nintendo Super Mario Bros. Standee
  • Numi Tea Display

    "I'm not a tea person to any extent. In fact, I was actually in a coffee shop in San Jose getting my skinny vanilla latte fix for the morning when I spotted this display. I had no idea what Numi was, but the rich patina on the metal coupled with the rattan wrapping the metal frame was really attractive, especially with the interesting graphics on the individual tea cartons.
    Numi Tea Display
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