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Packaged Beverages

  • Snapple Adjustable Aisle Blocker

    Retail Category: Supermarket: Food
    Display Type: Freestanding: Permanent
    Client: Snapple Beverage Corp., White Plains, N.Y.
    Producer: Mechtronics Corp., White Plains, N.Y.
    Size of Run: 1,000
    Comments: The wire shelf dividers on this display snap in and out easily. They can be arranged to fit four packs, 16-ounce bottles, 32-ounce bottles, and 64-ounce bottles in any desired way. The wire shelves also gravity feed the product, and the graphic panels on the display are interchangeable.
    Snapple Adjustable Aisle Blocker
  • Dr Pepper Ceiling Tile Display

    Product: Dr Pepper 20-ounce bottles
    Number of displays: 3,000
    P-O-P company: What's the Big Idea?, Plano, Texas
    Distribution: Convenience stores
    Introduction: May 2002
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Corrugated
    Display set-up: Dr Pepper bottlers and regional sales managers
    Marketers at Dr Pepper created this ceiling tile display to get extra attention for Dr Pepper in 20-ounce bottles and to pull the product away from the mainstream merchandising pieces in convenience stores.
    Dr Pepper Ceiling Tile Display
  • General Foods International Coffee Display

    Retail Category: Supermarket: Food
    Display Type: In-line, Gondola or On-shelf
    Client: Madden Communications, Wood Dale, Ill.
    Producer: Henschel-Steinau Inc., Englewood, N.J.
    Size of Run: 5,000
    Comments: Kraft Foods wanted to create new merchandising vehicles for General Foods International Coffees products to secure secondary placements in-store. The displays needed to be permanent and space efficient.
    General Foods International Coffee Display
  • Jack & Coke Permanent Merchandiser

    Retail Category: Liquor
    Display Type: Freestanding: Permanent
    Client: KYK Marketing, Louisville, Ky.
    Producer: Great Northern Corp. - Display Group, Racine, Wis.
    Size of Run: 500
    Comments: The objective of this permanent floor display was to promote Jack Daniel's through its popular association with the Jack & Coke mixed drink. By cross-merchandising both products, each gained a secondary location in the store.
    Jack & Coke Permanent Merchandiser
  • Odwalla Cooler

    Product: Odwalla organic juices
    Number of displays: 10,000 danglers, shelf strips and product talkers
    P-O-P companies: ABG (danglers), Mira Loma, Calif.; Empire Screen Printing (shelf strips), Onalaska, Wis.; Graphic West Printing (product talkers), Stockton, Calif.
    Distribution: Supermarkets, convenience stores, natural foods stores, universities and health clubs
    Introduction: August 2002
    Duration: Semipermanent
    Display set-up: Odwalla direct store distributors
    Odwalla Cooler
  • Shopper Loyalty and Advertising Effectiveness

    Insight Express finds pet owners true to their brands, shoppers attuned to circulars
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