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  • T. Morton Flooring Display

    Client Company: Armstrong - T. Morton Hardwood
    Country of Production: United States
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 60 months
    Producer: SMP In-Store Marketing Solutions
    Unit Cost: Over $1,000
    Production Date: 10/5/2009
    Production Run Quantity: 100
    Objectives: To develop a merchandising system that would immediately identify the T. Morton brand in what is typically a cluttered retail environment and present a premium image to the shopper.
    T. Morton Flooring Display
  • Columbia Flooring Display

    Client Company: Unilin Flooring-Mohawk Hard Surface
    Producer: Harbor Industries. Inc.
    Country of Production: US/China
    Country of Placement: US
    Intended Length of Use: 2-4 years
    Production Date: 4/2009
    Production Run Quantity: 1,000
    Unit Cost: Under $500 (not including the product)
    Columbia Flooring Display
  • Hunter Douglas Freestanding Display

    Client Company: Hunter Douglas Inc.
    Country of Placement: United States
    Intended Length of Use: 48 months
    Producer: Trans World Marketing
    Production Date: 4/7/2009
    Production Run Quantity: 500
    Objectives: To develop an upscale, user-friendly merchandising vehicle that will accurately and prominently showcase Hunter Douglas' vertical window covering products, which require a wide application in order to be understood.
    Hunter Douglas Freestanding Display
  • Target Juicing Solutions Endcap

    Retailer: Target Corp.
    Location: Vallejo, CA
    Target Juicing Solutions Endcap
  • Shark Pocket Mop Countertop

    Retailer: BJ's Wholesale
    Location: Cumming, GA
    Shark Pocket Mop Countertop
  • BJ's Housewares Endcap

    Retailer: BJ's Wholesale
    Location: Cumming, GA
    BJ's Housewares Endcap
  • Target Home Organizers Signage

    Retailer: Target Corp.
    Location: North Little Rock, AR
    Target Home Organizers Signage
  • Presto Fryer Countertop

    Retailer: BJ's Wholesale
    Location: Cumming, GA
    Presto Fryer Countertop
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