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  • Verizon 7-Eleven Posters

    Product: Prepaid phone cards
    Number of displays: 5,700 P-O-P kits
    P-O-P company: Drift Inc., Dallas
    Distribution: 7-Eleven stores
    Introduction: April 2002
    Duration: Temporary
    Construction: Corrugated and paper
    Display set-up: Retail staff
    Verizon joined forces with 7-Eleven stores to create four different phone cards sold only at 7-Eleven. Window posters, counter cards and a 32-foot storefront banner were some of the P-O-P designed for the in-store marketing campaign.
    Verizon 7-Eleven Posters
  • Capri Sun Springload Tray

    Retail Category: C-stores
    Display Type: In-line, Gondola or On-shelf
    Client: Kraft Foods, Glenview, Ill.
    Producer: New Dimensions Research Corp., Melville, N.Y.
    Size of Run: 15,000
    Comments: 7-Eleven stores carried this springload tray in their refrigerators alongside Coke, Pepsi and other soft drinks. Capri Sun's unique, soft packaging prevented it from working in standard gravity-feed trays.
    Capri Sun Springload Tray
  • Newspaper Floorstand

    Clients: Newspaper publishers
    Products Promoted: Newspapers
    Comments: Designed specifically for 7-Eleven stores, these displays highlighted "March Madness" NCAA basketball coverage in 23 metropolitan newspapers. Headers and lug-ons were customized for newspapers in each market, and the displays were engineered to withstand the weight of many newspapers.
    Introduction: March 2001
    Size of Run: 4,000
    Newspaper Floorstand
  • Interlok News Display

    Client: The Washington Post/The Dallas Morning News
    Producer: Santa Cruz Industries, Santa Cruz, Calif.
    Comments: To help accommodate daily changes in newspaper sizes, a patented Interlok shelf design on this display allows shelves to be adjusted without the use of tools. Designed for 7-Eleven stores, the displays also provide ample viewing area of headlines while letting light enter from the back side.
    Interlok News Display
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